Time Played
Copyright(c) 2024 Josiah Kangas. All rights reserved
This shouldn't take more than a minute. If it's stuck, download the save and send it to me over Discord or at lonelyfrontierstudio@gmail.com
You may also revert to a fixed or previous save using the following box.
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this is the description
Level Milestones
Other Isle
right-click destination to quickly add/remove
NOTE: Hunters cannot be upgraded while they are away
^^ Right-Click to add to barrel ^^
Hold 'Shift' to add 5, 'Ctrl' to add Max
Plant Matter:
Research Level: N/A
(lower number = less damage)
As your hunters get more experience with monsters, they will start hitting more of their attacks and dodging more of the monster's. Eventually, the library will become a place where hunters can study about monsters as they rest, passively gaining experience between hunts.
The Early Access version of the game is up now on Steam, and will be continually getting new content! And, your current save can be transferred to the Steam version to pick up right where you left off! And, once purchased on Steam, you will be able to log-in and play on any supported browser!
Making this game into a small one-time purchase allows me some freedom to focus on making it the best it can be without locking any gameplay behind micro-transactions or ads. Please consider wishlisting or purchasing the game if you enjoyed it, as that will let Steam know that people are interested!
right-click destination to quickly add/remove
drag items here to refine
Capacity: 0/10
Click to take
Heat Level: 154
Held Embers: 0
I appreciate any support to help fund this project!
I eventually plan to move this from a free game to a one-time-purchase when it's fully fleshed out. If you generously choose to support me with $5 or more, please leave your email and I'll make sure you receive the full game when it's ready!